
Join our global network of accounting/financial professionals

Discover the CFC designation

About the Institute

IFC members are employed in all sectors of the economy and make a significant contribution to the efficiency of any business.
Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics

All Institute members share a devotion to high professional standards and best practices. This is made concrete at every level by the Code of Professional Conduct.
Certified Financial Controller

How to Join

Choosing membership to a professional body can be a big step forward in your career and public standing. The Institute of Financial Consultants offer three membership grades for you to choose from.
Continuing Professional Development

CPD Partnerships

The Institute has academic partnerships with the following organisations -, Emile Woolf International, Financial Fluency, GAAPweb and VantagePoint.

Why Become Certified?

The advantages of certification for higher visibility, opportunities, and jobs.

Certification can lead to better visibility, opportunities, and jobs. In today's increasingly complex and highly-specialized economy, credentials are so important. Sure, you know you've got the skills to do the job, but how do you convince potential customers and employers you do? For many career-minded professionals, certification is often the answer. Explore what we can do for you.

Read more about the Certification process  
About the Certified Financial Consultant® designation

The Certified Financial Consultant® (CFC) designation is the premier designation of the Institute of Financial Consultants®. CFC certification is attained by meeting the eligibility of both education and professional experience.

IFC membership is open to professionals working in the accounting/financial field with a minimum of three years experience in the financial profession or those who have successfully completed the Certified Financial Consultant® - CFC - program.

Discover more about IFC Membership